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我院青年教师马胜楠在ABS二星期刊Review of Economics of the Household发表学术论文
发布时间: 2024-04-08 浏览次数: 556

近日,我院马胜楠博士以独立作者身份在Review of Economics of the Household期刊上发表了题为“Compulsory Education and Gender Gaps in Intrahousehold Empowerment”的学术论文。

Review of Economics of the Household是家庭经济学领域的权威期刊,同时也是英国商学院协会(ABS)出版的高质量学术期刊指中的二星期刊。马胜楠博士的这篇论文整合全国人口普查数据与女性社会地位调查数据构建了一个省级层面的数据集,采用队列DID方法考义务教育法对家庭内部赋权中的性别差距的影响。研究发现,接受义务教育法的女性在家庭内部决策中更具平等性,也更可能感受到家庭内的平等赋权,机制分析进一步表明所得结论得益于女性收入的提高和家庭特征的改善提高和家庭特征改善该论文的核心研究成果是义务教育法对提高家庭内部的性别平等具有积极作用这对于我们理解性别平等问题的本质和解决性别不平等现状具有重要意义。


    This paper estimates the effects of China’s 1986 Compulsory Education Law (CEL) on gender gaps in intrahousehold empowerment. The analysis uses a province-level dataset compiled from the population census and woman social status with a cohort difference-in-differences empirical strategy. This paper finds that the exposure to CEL had a positive impact on egalitarian intrahousehold decision making. It also increased the likelihood with which respondents reported perceiving egalitarian empowerment within the household. Additional evidence on mechanisms suggests that the results are due to exposure to CEL fostering earnings of female respondents and egalitarian gender attitudes of all respondents, as well as altering the family characteristics in terms of marriage age and husband’s schooling of female respondents.


